[Glade-users] Glade 2.0.1 - Problem adding buttons to toolbars

On Wed, 2004-07-21 at 22:39, Ben Davis wrote:
I'm using glade 2.0.1 because I'm experimenting w/  mono.   When I 
create a toolbar widget, and give it any number of placeholders, and try 
to add a button to the toolbar,  the button and placeholder magically 
disappear.  Can anyone replicate this problem?  Am I doing something wrong?
I think you've probably compiled Glade 2.0.1 with the new GTK+ 2.4.
Unfortunately the toolbar changed quite a bit in the new GTK+ and it
doesn't work with Glade 2.0.1.

If you want to use GTK+ 2.4 you need to use the newer Glade, 2.6.0.
Otherwise you must use GTK+ 2.2.x.

The issue is discussed a bit in this bug:


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