[Glade-users] Testing Glade 3 on Suse 9.1

Hi, I would like to test Glade 3 on my system. I am using Suse 9.1 with the=
latest version of gnome and gtk and I downloaded the source code of glade=20
from cvs.
I run autogen.sh but seems that as my system uses automake 1.9 there are so=
problems. Also there are some problems with macros:

raul@linux:~/glade3> sh autogen.sh
checking for autoconf >=3D 2.53...
  testing autoconf2.50... not found.
  testing autoconf... found 2.59
checking for automake >=3D 1.4...
  testing automake-1.4... not found.
***Error***: You must have automake >=3D 1.4 installed
  to build glade.  Download the appropriate package for
  from your distribution or get the source tarball at

checking for libtool >=3D 1.4.3...
  testing libtoolize... found 1.5.10
checking for glib-gettext >=3D 2.2.0...
  testing glib-gettextize... found 2.4.7
checking for intltool >=3D 0.25...
  testing intltoolize... found 0.30
checking for pkg-config >=3D 0.14.0...
  testing pkg-config... found 0.15.0
autogen.sh: line 1: --print-ac-dir: command not found
Checking for required M4 macros...
  libtool.m4 not found
  glib-gettext.m4 not found
  intltool.m4 not found
  pkg.m4 not found
Checking for forbidden M4 macros...
***Error***: some autoconf macros required to build glade
  were not found in your aclocal path, or some forbidden
  macros were found.  Perhaps you need to adjust your

Does anyone know how to solve this?

Thanks in advance,


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