[Glade-users] Glade-3 backwards compatability (was: Glade-2 and pango backwards compatibility)

Damon Chaplin wrote:
Making apps work on previous versions of GTK+/GNOME would need a lot of
work tracking which properties are available in which versions. You
might want to add the feature request to the glade-3 product in
bugzilla, though I'm not sure if they'll do it.
     We put some thought into it last year... it could easily be
done by marking properties and widgets as "Since 2.4" etc and just
disabling the properties/widget not yet implemented in the target
version, likewise it would be nice to do the same for
"Depricated since 2.4", I do recall that we discussed the possibility
of making that type of information introspectable from gtk+ (since
most of this information is already available in the api generation

Someone would just have to pick up the ball and do it...


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