[Glade-users] problem with "show" signal and libglade


I wanted to use the "show" signal of the main win of my app to do some
initialization and it seems my handler is not being called at all.
To test it I have made just a window in glade and then tried
glade_xml_signal_autoconnect() and even manual connecting and it
doesn't work. Other signals work (like delete_event), so it's not a
problem with a window showing or something. I tried other widgets and
they also don't emit the show signal. I tried calling
gtk_widget_show_all() to see if explicit showing will call the
handlers but it didn't. Then I build the source in glade and there it
But I want to use libglade...
Does anyone have any idea what is the problem?

I have libglade 2.4.2 and GTK+ 2.6.4


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