[Glade-users] Can you change a GtkWindow into a GtkDialog?

On Sat, 2005-11-12 at 01:03 -0300, Victor Rafael Rivarola Soerensen
(FANATICO y LOCO por Cristo) wrote:
I am working on a project, and I need to change windows into dialogs.
I would appreciate it if you tell me if this is possible annd, if so,

This is the procedure I am currentlty following:
     1. Create and open a new dialog in Glade.
     2. Open the window.
     3. Select and cut every control on the window.
     4. Paste them into the new dialog.
     5. Correct global dialog settings (name, signal and signal
        handlers, decoration, etc).
However, I beleive that there should be an easier way.

You can cut & paste entire trees of widgets using the popup menu.
That would probably be quicker than cutting & pasting every widget.

To change handler names you could use an editor on the XML.


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