[Glade-users] Save As

On Wed, 21 Jun 2006 12:48:41 -0400
"Kevin Hobby" <khobby at gmail.com> wrote:

I've been learning about Glade for about a week now and have already
figured out every thing I need to know for my application (a pretty
large project), I still can't seem to figure out how exactly to add an
"open/save as" feature.  Every tutorial which I can find seams to avoid
the subject and the Glade-users mail list only touches on it.

Us beginners need an actual walk through Tutorial.

 I'm wanting to use a regular button to bring up the File Chooser
Thingy. So far I've created a FileChooserDialog in Glade and chose in
options the type action "SAVE" Then I loaded the widget in the
application and called show() ---That's as far as I can get!

These are really GTK problems - not Glade. I'd suggest asking these
questions on the GtkAppDevel list or so.

Anyway, a good tutorial on using the widgets is:

GTK+ / Gnome Application Development   (also findable as ggad)

Or Georg Lebl's
Application Programming Using the GNOME Libraries


void on_savebutton_clicked                  (GtkButton       *button,

gpointer         user_data)

GtkWidget *savething = create_filechooserdialog1();
  After creating, you should (optionally) set a default filename...

gtk_widget_show (savething);
  use gtk_dialog_run here - this simplifies calling the dialog. After it
returns, get the filename from the widget, and destroy it. Then use the
filename to do something with it...


...Please help me!!!

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