[Glade-users] how to update process_bar in real time between multi-processes?

By child process you mean a result of fork() correct ?

if its really a child process, then that process will have to write its progress
to a file descriptor (probably a named pipe) and you'll read it in an iochannel
and update the progress bars from there.

if they are threads then you can just use g_idle_add() to tell the main GUI
thread to update the progress bars.


2008/4/22 ???? <neubuffalo at 163.com>:

the problem is as below:

I have a main window with an Gtk_tree_view embedded in,every row of the
gtk_tree_view has a process_bar,and now I want to update the process_bar in
real time based on the data from a child process.How can I achieve this

 Glade-users maillist  -  Glade-users at lists.ximian.com

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