[Glade-users] a question about image

Why "photoshop" a sine wave if you can draw it directly to the screen?
Same for arrows. There is GtkDrawingArea and Cairo and nice example at
along with sources and even makefile.

On Tue, 2008-01-15 at 15:27 +0800, wubei83 wrote:
   I need some information about the Image.I create a table and place
my picture by photoshop in it ,my picture is sine wave ,but i need
arrows to mark on this picture to tell user
frequence ,amplitude,highlevel and so on ,at the same time i got a
arrows by photoshop and try my best to place two picture together,i
don't know whether this way is ok ,oh,by the way because memory is
confined we hope few picture as possible as you can .But I do not
konw a way to realize it . Any information is appreciated.
   Thanks very much !


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Glade-users maillist  -  Glade-users at lists.ximian.com

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