[Glade-users] How to send user_data to callcack functions by glade only?

Hi all,
I have a question using glade(3.4.5).
In the "signal" tab ,there is a item "user_data".I want to know how to fill and what to fill to send the data 
I filled into the callback function ,without using gtk_signal_connect(......) or something like that,just and 
only use glade itself and glade_xml_signal_autoconnect().
I do not know if i should define the data before I fill and send it,and where should I define my data? global 
scope? statics one?I even do not know if i could send data defined by myself.Remember just and only use  
glade itself and glade_xml_signal_autoconnect().
It is a simple question ,but confused me several days,will any one help?Thanks.

Wish you happy.
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