[Glade-users] building Glade 3.6.0

On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 7:40 AM, Damon Register
<damon.w.register at lmco.com> wrote:
Damon Register wrote:
and installed the dependencies. ?After editing those gladeui files that I
mentioned earlier, Glade 3.6.0 now builds and runs without trouble. ?Thanks
Maybe I wrote too soon. ?Glade now runs with no error messages but when I
open an existing project, there are several problems I see right away.
the main window is much smaller until I click on the top container widget
in the inspector window and then the window is the right size.
The widgets are incorrect sizes and overlapping each other. ?When I click
on the widgets, sometimes the size will change.

Widgets overlap ? why ... are you using GtkFixed for you project ?

Glade doesnt make any attempt at respecting size-requests
of the UI inside the workspace, the workspace is made to
hopefully remain as resizable as possible, for a view of
what your app should look like, we're looking into a preview

There are also 2 or 3 bad bugs in 3.6.0 that I did fix this week
but still didnt get time to roll into a tarball ...

Damon Register
Glade-users maillist ?- ?Glade-users at lists.ximian.com

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