[Glade-users] Glade 3.7.0 crashes when I modify the number of elements in a VBox

Hi everyone,


Just upgrade from Glade 3.6.7 to 3.7.0 today. Was very happy with the upgrade as it fixes certain things like 
default values for adjustments and treeviews losing their models.


I am working on a glade file that was created in 3.6.7. The problem is that whenever I modify the number of 
items in a VBox, Glade would crash. I am able to modify other properties of the Vbox and glade would not 
crash. In addition, I am able to modify the number of items in a HBox without it crashing. 


The current workaround I have found is to manually add a <child></child> into the glade file when I want a 
new item. However, I would like to fix this permanently. Does anyone know the reason this is happening and 
what I can do to modify the glade file to fix it?


Cheers :)
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