[Glade-users] how to use displayable values?

On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 12:02 PM, Chris Morley
<chrisinnanaimo at hotmail.com> wrote:
I'm having no luck using displayable values, this is a sample of my catalog:

<property optional-default="True" optional="True" id="off-color"
name="Standard Off-Color" ignore="True"
??????? save-always="True" default="LED_DARK" >
??? <displayable-values>
????? <value id="LED_RED" name="Red"/>
????? <value id="LED_BLUE" name="Blue"/>
????? <value id="LED_DARK" name="dark"/>
??? </displayable-values>
? <tooltip>use: red blue green yellow white black dark only</tooltip>

This doesn't work, the property is not displayed at all and no error
I am using python for the widget and glade 3.6.7
So the widget is in python and the python widget registers this
property as well as it's enum type ? (do python objects install properties
on their widgets ?)

Thanks Chris Morley

Glade-users maillist ?- ?Glade-users at lists.ximian.com

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