[Glade-users] How to search and access a listitem added to comboboxentry using liststore

100% sure the autocomplention is not possible from the widget options on

the other part of enter ==> action can be done by adding an event handler
for key pressed on the combobox.
sorry no code, im just throwing ideas :D
hope it helps

On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 12:04 AM, selvamani sampath <
selva.infobees at gmail.com> wrote:

Hi to all,
    I am using Glade 3.6.7 and pygtk. I am developing an application
in GtkBuilder format.In that, I added some hundreds of item into
comboboxentry widget using liststore model at runtime. i don't want to
search and select an item using mouse, but if i type an item name in
comboboxentry, then, that item should be focused and accessed by
entering Enter button. If you people know about this, could you give
any idea on this. I would be grateful if there is any code snippet.

Thank You in advance,


Selvamani. S
Glade-users maillist  -  Glade-users at lists.ximian.com

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