[Glade-users] is there an example or tutorial about the use of 'GtkTreeStore' in the Glade?

On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 5:58 AM, Cleber N. Borges <klebyn at yahoo.com.br> wrote:
Em 1/4/2011 15:53, Tristan Van Berkom escreveu:
On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 3:49 AM, Tristan Van Berkom<tvb at gnome.org> ?wrote:
On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 2:36 AM, Cleber N. Borges<klebyn at yahoo.com.br> ?wrote:
Em 1/4/2011 13:20, John Delaney escreveu:
On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 5:11 PM, Cleber N. Borges<klebyn at yahoo.com.br> ? ?wrote:
in first place, I create an GtkTreeStore object in glade, and after, I
an GtkTreeView...
in menu edit of GtkTreeView, I make the option to use the GtkTreeStore

but, in runtime testing I don't obtain the Tree model in the window
Have you defined cell renderers for the tree view columns? Select the
tree view and click on Edit to access the Tree View Editor, go to the
"Hierarchy" tab to add/remove tree view columns, then right click a
column to add the appropriate child cell renderer(s). Then you'd need
to edit the relevant properties of each cell renderer, e.g. tell it to
get the 'text' property from column 3 of the model for a text

sorry because I was concisely so much...
and I don't describe the part of de childrens models...
I create the cellrenderes, ?3 GtkCellRendererText...
but it not appear in the Glade window in the development phase...
below, follows my glade file for example...

A.) GtkBuilder does not allow adding<rows> ?(data) to GtkTreeStore

B.) A GtkTreeStore using a GtkTreeView with a GtkTreeStore no data
? ? ?will display all the rows in the empy GtkTreeStore properly
Err, big hurry this morning, that was supposed to read:

B.) A GtkTreeView with a GtkTreeStore with no data will display all the rows
? ? ? ?in the empty GtkTreeStore properly.

?i.e., it will properly display "nothing".

?So you should not expect to see anything in Glade, you can test your
?view by using a GtkListStore and adding some data to it, or you can
?run your program that loads the builder file and add some data to the
?treestore and see how it looks.

? ? ? -Tristan

B.) Ok. I guess that I understand...

in my case, the command make to appear in the main window (in scroll)

treeview <- gtkBuilderGetObject( GUI, 'treeview_models' )
class( treeview )

model <- gtkTreeViewGetModel( treeview )
class( model )

gtkTreeStoreInsert( model, position=1 )

make more gain in this mail, I make an more question
in summary, I would like an ?VISUAL structure like below.

How get this?

|---pca_models ( VISIBLE by now )
| ? |
| ? |--- pca-1 (in future) insert elemnts in runtime
| ? |--- pca-2 (in future) insert elemnts in runtime
| ? |--- pca-n (in future) insert elemnts in runtime
|---hca_models ( VISIBLE by now)
| ? |
| ? |--- hca-1 (in future) insert elemnts in runtime
| ? |--- hca-2 (in future) insert elemnts in runtime
|---pls_models ( VISIBLE ? by now)
| ? |
| ? |--- (in future) insert elemnts in runtime

I dont know if I understand what you are asking.

What could you possibly mean by "VISIBLE by now" ??

Let me be clear.

If you need to use a GtkTreeStore, you can define the column types
in Glade... you CANNOT add any data to it.

ANYTHING you add to the GtkTreeStore must be done with code.

so, I my glade file I get the follow widget definitions:
( my run code in R )

?> treeview <- gtkBuilderGetObject( GUI, 'treeview_models' )
?> class( treeview )
[1] "GtkTreeView" ? ? ? "GtkContainer" ? ? ?"GtkWidget"
[4] "GtkObject" ? ? ? ? "GInitiallyUnowned" "GObject"
[7] "RGtkObject"
?> model <- gtkTreeViewGetModel( treeview )
?> class( model )
[1] "GtkTreeStore" "GObject" ? ? ?"RGtkObject"
?> gtkTreeStoreInsert( model, position=1 )

<pointer: 0x03802410>
[1] "GtkTreeIter" "GBoxed" ? ? ?"RGtkObject"

?> colunas <- gtkTreeViewGetColumn( treeview, n=0 )
?> class( colunas )
[1] "GtkTreeViewColumn" "GtkObject" ? ? ? ? "GInitiallyUnowned"
[4] "GObject" ? ? ? ? ? "RGtkObject"
?> gtkTreeViewColumnGetTitle( colunas )
[1] "Chemometrics Models"
?> # ?GtkTreeViewColumn
?> sub_colunas <- gtkTreeViewColumnGetCellRenderers( colunas )
?> class( sub_colunas )
[1] "list"
?> # ?GtkCellRenderer
?> length( sub_colunas )
[1] 3
?> class( sub_colunas[[1]] ) # shoud be: pca_models
[1] "GtkCellRendererText" "GtkCellRenderer" ? ? "GtkObject"
[4] "GInitiallyUnowned" ? "GObject" ? ? ? ? ? ? "RGtkObject"
?> class( sub_colunas[[2]] ) # shoud be: hca_models
[1] "GtkCellRendererText" "GtkCellRenderer" ? ? "GtkObject"
[4] "GInitiallyUnowned" ? "GObject" ? ? ? ? ? ? "RGtkObject"
?> class( sub_colunas[[3]] ) # shoud be: pls_models
[1] "GtkCellRendererText" "GtkCellRenderer" ? ? "GtkObject"
[4] "GInitiallyUnowned" ? "GObject" ? ? ? ? ? ? "RGtkObject"

This is all greek to me, I have no idea what any of this means.


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