[Glade-users] Progressbar is not using available space (GtkCellRendererProgress)

On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 2:05 AM, Manuel <manuel at wenns-um-email-geht.de> wrote:

i used Glade to create a simple GUI containing a GtkTreeView which
contains a Column with a GtkCellRendererProgress.
In general i followed the steps of the following tutorial to create the GUI:

I changed two little things:
1. I set the "expand" property for the progress-column to True.
2. I set the "resizable" property for the progress-column to True.

In Glade i can now resize the column and it will use all the available
space to display the progressbar.
When i use the glade-file in my python-program the progress-column uses
all the available space too, but the space is not filled by the
progressbar. So resizing the column does not change the size of the

The user of the following forum-thread has the same problem:
(The posting contains example pictures :-)

Here is my generated glade-file:

I hope you can help me get the progressbar using the available space :)

Sorry, there is a discrepancy between how Glade packs cell renderers
and how GTK+ packs them when reading them from the builder file.

Currently Glade packs them all into the layout using
  gtk_cell_layout_pack_start () with the 'expand' argument TRUE,
GtkBuilder on the other hand uses FALSE.

With GTK+ 2.x there is *no way* to define renderers that expand in the
treeview column.  However GTK+ 3.0 introduces <cell-packing> properties
which can be used to define properties of how a cell is positioned in it's

While this is now possible using GTK+ 3.0, Glade still does not support
reading or editing these options and probably will not get there before
the coming Glade 3.10 release.

You can do one of the following:
   - Use gtk_cell_layout_pack_start() yourself in the code to add
     renderers to treeview columns with GTK+ 2.x
   - Use gtk_cell_area_box_pack_* apis to pack your renderers with
     more options available in 3.0
   - Use a hand-crafted GtkBuilder fragment with GTK+ 3.0 to use the
     tags and add the treeview portion to your interface... then when
Glade starts to
     understand <cell-packing> options... probably by Glade 3.12...
then you can merge
     in that hand-crafted file into the rest of your UI safely.

Sorry for the incovenience... the expand property was never really available
with GtkBuilder until now with GTK+ 3.0.


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