[Glade-users] DLL error on Windows XP

One more issue seems to have come up which I've seen discussed before
but haven't seen a fix for: all the componant icons are gone from the
toolbox! They all have little missing icon x's in their place.

Is this just something I'm going to have to live with or is it fixable?


Sorry for top posting but Gmail doesn't let me do responses correctly.


On 5/25/11, Jong Bor Lee <jlee at binarybag.com> wrote:
On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 4:58 PM, Anthony Papillion
<papillion at gmail.com>wrote:

I've recently had to install Glade on a Windows XP machine and I'm getting
an error when I start the application. The error is that it couldn't start
because libgladeui-1.9 couldn't be found. I've tried reinstalling the
application and have no luck.

Can anyone help?


Glade-users maillist  -  Glade-users at lists.ximian.com

This probably depends on the version of glade, but, if the folder structure
of your glade installation is like mine, you should have a bin folder which
contains glade-3.exe and libgladeui-1-9.dll, among other files. I guess
double clicking on this .exe should open Glade.

It seems the Glade installer creates a shortcut to an executable which is
right outside the bin folder, making it more difficult to find the dll's.

Hopefully this makes sense in your Glade version.

Jong Bor Lee

Sent from my mobile device

Anthony Papillion
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