[Glade-users] Glade 3.10.2 needs artwork icon (GtkSourceView)

All of the day I was surfing the forums to solve this problem. I thought
because of these error, I can't set stock for buttons, but after your reply
that these error are not serious problems I find this way to show buttons
in gconf-editor I have checked the 'buttons_have_icons' value from
Now in glade I can set image stock for buttons. I expect in next release of
glade, the user inform of this.
Thanks Tristan, for your help.

On Saturday, November 19, 2011, Tristan Van Berkom <
tristan.van.berkom at gmail.com> wrote:
On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 11:14 AM, Milad khajavi <khajavi at gmail.com> wrote:
When I run the glade from terminal, this error occur, so I cannot set
for buttons, any one could help me?

khajavi ~ # glade
GladeUI-Message: No displayable values for property
GladeUI-Message: Glade needs artwork; a default icon will be used for the
following classes:
GtkSourceView needs an icon named 'widget-gtksourceview-gtksourceview'
This just means that you don't have a cute custom icon for the
widget in Glade's palette, so it will render as a boring square or
generic instead.

The other warning is about a missing translatable string essentially.

Neither indicate that there should be any problems setting images

??Milad Khajavi
Having the source means you can do it yourself.
I tried to change the world, but I couldn?t find the source code.

Glade-users maillist  -  Glade-users at lists.ximian.com

??Milad Khajavi
Having the source means you can do it yourself.
I tried to change the world, but I couldn?t find the source code.
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