[Glade-users] Separation between GUI and main

Il 20/01/2012 17.27, Tristan Van Berkom ha scritto:

If you need to control the state of a widget in the interface, you need
a pointer to that widget.

If you add a widget to your interface, say a button that causes a new
action you need to handle, then you don't need a pointer to that button.

See, this could be enough for today: the key is "I don't need an handler 
for everything, I can just use the callback".

A common practice is to use the last argument of 
you can create a data structure which contains the needed pointers 
for your
whole module, i.e.
This is common practice but still old-fashioned if you ask me.

I read about it, I'm still trying to understand it, though...
I think I have to compile and run some real examples to actually see the 
problem and then try to learn the solution.

Better practice still, is to derive a GtkContainer for every modular
GUI object which can be used and reused throughout your GUI.

This is way beyond my actual level of game, but thanks, I'll flag this 
mail for future reference when my skills will allow me to understand...

Really appreciate.
Manuel Ferrero
R&D department

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