[Glade-users] [SOLVED] Re: Button packing

On Thu, 2013-05-09 at 03:48 -0700, David Buchan wrote:
I did try that, and it works for the left button, but the right button
then moves to the left to be beside the left button. The Pack Type
property in the Packing tab only has two possible values: "Start" and
"End." The default appears to be "Start", and this takes precedence,
overriding the Horizontal Alignment = "End" in the Common tab.

Because of that I had concluded that I must use the Pack Type
property. I'm not sure what to do then.

I'm a little perturbed, it seems that GtkBox has broken somehow, whereas
this container is supposed to distributed expand space to all children
if no children requested to expands, it would seem that this behavior
has changed somehow over time.

Besides this being a sort of API break in GtkBox (I'm sure GTK+ 3.0
did not behave like this), you should be able to easily work around
it by setting both buttons to expand.

Attaching a sample.



From: Tristan Van Berkom <tristan.van.berkom at gmail.com>
To: David Buchan <pdbuchan at yahoo.com> 
Cc: Glade List <glade-users at lists.ximian.com> 
Sent: Thursday, May 9, 2013 3:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Glade-users] [SOLVED] Re: Button packing

On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 11:44 AM, David Buchan <pdbuchan at yahoo.com>
ok, I think I've got it.

I used a non-homogeneous GtkBox (horizontal) with two fields. I put
a button
in each field. Then I clicked on the first (left) button and in the
field I set Pack Type to "Start." I clicked on the second (right)
button and
in the Packing field I set Pack Type to "End." I used the defaults
for Fill
and Expand for the buttons, which were "Yes" and "No", respectively.

Ok that's a bit weird, I don't recommend this method (it's kindof
a remaining API from GTK+-2, and also... using the pack type
will have some other implication, such as reversing your buttons
in RTL mode, which you probably dont really care about but
still, I wouldn't recommend using the "Pack Type" property here).

I would recommend to just use the "Horizontal Alignment"
property (found in the "Common" tab).

Set your first button to have "Horizontal Alignment" "Start"
and the other button to have "End".


That's pretty neat and tidy.  Glade is great.

From: David Buchan <pdbuchan at yahoo.com>
To: Glade List <glade-users at lists.ximian.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2013 4:13 PM
Subject: [Glade-users] Button packing


I would like to place two buttons in my window. I want one button to
be at
the left side of the window, and the other at the right side of the

I tried putting a GtkBox (horizontal) with 5 columns. I chose 5 so
that I'd
get the width of buttons I want. Then I put one button in position
0, and
the other at position 4.

What I find is that when the window is rendered, it expands the
buttons so
that each one takes half the window width, filling the entire row.

I tried the same thing with a GtkGrid with 1 row, but had the same
I've fooled around with every Expand/Fill combination I could think
of, but
it didn't help.

The solution was to put blank labels in the 3 inner positions. This
whether I used a GtkBox or GtkGrid. But I can't help feeling like I
shouldn't need to put empty labels to make this work.



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