[Glade-users] Fwd: Failing to display a custom fake property

My "guess" is that somewhere in your plugin, you are adding a new object
to the project and you want that new widget to automatically refer to this
GtkListStore which you are adding at the same time.

The part of the catalog where I define the fake property is this:

<property save="False" ignore="True" id="links" name="Links"

The GtkListStore was not meant to be an object in the project, just a
data holder for the fake property, I thought I didn't need to have it as
a GladeWidget in the project but I was wrong. I also guess the only
workaround for it is to define a boxed type to hold the values, as you
did with the Columns and Data properties in the Gtk+ catalog. Or maybe
there's a way to avoid the GladeWidget to show up in the Glade project
tree so that the the object exists in the project but the user can't see
it listed. Is there something like that?

Thanks for the tips.


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