Re: [glade--] is glademm history?

I am interested in using glademm but am having trouble with
it.  I see that traffic on this list is very low which makes
me wonder if glademm is not used much.  Is glademm going away?
Is anyone using it under Windows XP?

I am using gktmm/glademm for cross platform UI work. I have my
projects successfully building and running on linux and
win2k/winXP. However, I am only using libglademm for layout, not for
the code generator.

I have yet to get my code to work under win9x. It has a tendency to
segfault. win9x is very low priority atm, so I have yet to track the
problem down.

I just started with gtkmm/glademm. I had a tough time deciding between
QT and gtkmm, but the stl friendliness of gtkmm eventually won me
over. While the list traffic is low, you can view that as a sign that
gtkmm & friends work most of the time ;)

Same goes for me.  I use libglademm and it's not a really big API so I 
don't post here much, but mainly on gtkmm list.

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