Re: date field bug

On Sat, 2006-04-15 at 18:50 -0700, Ryan Paul wrote:
I just tested Glom 1.0 in Ubuntu Dapper. So far, it seems to be working
relatively well, except for a problem with date fields.
What locale are you using? Some locales demand by default that dates are
entered as 2-digit years. Translators can fix this for Glom, however.
For instance, it's fixed in the en_GB translation.


Is anybody else experiencing this bug? Is it specific to particular
locales? Also, is there any chance that a real calendar widget could be
used for date selection in future versions?
Yes, I want to do that. It's on the list. It's also something easy for
someone else to provide a patch for.

I also have another question. I want to be able to take data from a
comma delimited text file and import it into a table. It doesn't look
like Glom supports that. If I write my own Python script and have it put
the data from the csv file directly into the postgresql database, will
it break anything?
It should be fine.

 Will Glom be able to interact with that data? What
kinds of external database operations will cause a postgresql database
to become incompatible with Glom?
If you use field types that Glom doesn't use then it will be confused.
If you add extra constraints or auto-generated values that Glom does not
expect, or can't check for, then it will be confuse.

 If I add a new table, will Glom be
able to detect it?
Yes, with the version in CVS, but that's not "supported" functionality.
It might not work tomorrow.

However, because the Glom format is XML, it should be quite easy to
write scripts to create Glom files. For instance, people could write
utilities to do approximate Access/FileMaker/whatever->Glom conversions.
Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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