Re: date field bug

On Tue, 2006-04-18 at 20:42 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
On Sat, 2006-04-15 at 18:50 -0700, Ryan Paul wrote:
I just tested Glom 1.0 in Ubuntu Dapper. So far, it seems to be working
relatively well, except for a problem with date fields.

Glom transposes the month and day of date fields. When I type "April 15
2006" into a date field, it becomes 15/04/2006.
When exactly does it "become 15/04/2006". Are you, for instance,
pressing Enter, or clicking away from the field?

I didn't even know that it could recognise such a freeform date.
However, I can't reproduce the effect.

For me, when I enter "April 15 2006" in the Date Of Birth field in the
contact details, then click into a different field, or press Enter, the
field shows 04/16/2006 (Note that you seem to have the British format
instead). When I click around some more, I can't get that error dialog.

Not that may LANG is:
murrayc ubuntumurrayc:~$ echo $LANG

As soon as we can reliably and exactly reproduce this problem, we can
fix it.
Please do take another look at this. I am eager to fix any bug.

Also, is there anything unusual about your Postgres server? What version
is it, and have you used any special/clever configuration with it?

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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