Re: A question...

On Fri, 2006-09-08 at 21:11 -0400, Carlos Savoretti wrote:
Hi all:

Excelent job you are done. I'm trying glom (installed in FC5) and it
likes me a lot. Simple and powerful.

Just some question about its operation. In the example
(smallbusiness.glom) when you've the `Invoice` table
selected, and in the `customer_id` field:

- The Open button edits the current customer record in a form, but 
if you changes the customer fields in some way, how do I return to
the original invoice form after saving those changes ?
If you select the Invoices table from the Tables menu, you should be
returned to the same record in the Invoices table. It remembers the last
record viewed in each table. If it doesn't then please file a bug.

- The Find button makes a quick search. What's the form displayed 
below for ?
If you enter data into the individual fields then you can search for the
data in just those fields.

 Because after executing the search you are sent to a 
grid showing the list matching that requested, so you can pick one.

These question could be very silly, but...
Not at all. Do you have any suggestions for how to make this clearer in
the user interface?

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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