Re: Glom 1.10 soon

Murray Cumming wrote:
On Fri, 2009-03-06 at 15:09 +0100, Denis Leroy wrote:
Murray Cumming wrote:
We are thinking of soon releasing a stable version of Glom 1.9/10. Is
anyone aware of any regressions that we haven't fixed yet, compared to
Glom 1.8?
The main issue I'm running into with 1.9.3 (on Fedora 11) is that it fails to connect to the database it just created, even though the postgres process is running and listening on the right port number. I'll try to look into it more, but time is limited. Is there a useful pg_dump type command that is useful for debugging ?
Is this using self-hosting or central hosting?
This is self-hosting, and it works fine with 1.8

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