Re: Calculate age in Filemaker

On Thu, 2010-04-15 at 17:36 +0200, Manuel Rodríguez Núñez wrote:
The first calculation (with a fixed date) works fine but when I
substituted it for record["date_of_birth"] the result is a very large
negative number.

For example, with the date of birth 1982/02/02 the result is -48641.
Yes, I can confirm that with Glom 1.12. Sorry. It does work with Glom
1.14 at least.

Again, that calculation is wrong anyway.

When Ubuntu Lucid is out in the next few days, I'll check that the
packaged Glom 1.14 works with the correct use of the relativedelta
Python module. I'll then add instructions for it to the wiki and reply
again here.

And I'll think about how to make this much easier in Glom 1.16. It's a
very common requirement.

Could it be because the Spanish dates are day/month/year?
No, that should not be relevant.

murrayc murrayc com

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