Re: [gmime-devel] g_mime_header_list_clear leaving a list in limbo

Hi Jeff,
(I'd normally use inline comments, but my computer died on me the 
second time in 6 months, so I'm having to use a lame webmail interface 
to reply to email)
The problem with the g_mime_header_list_clear() is that it isn't removing the linked-list nodes as it frees them. Oops. There should be a list_unlink() call on each header before it is free'd. Another option is that it should call list_init() after freeing all the nodes.
I'm not sure what is going wrong with g_mime_header_iter_remove() and because of my dead linux box, I can't easily run it in a debugger at the moment. I'll try to look into it as soon as I figure out why my machine won't boot and install a replacement component.
In list.c is a list_unlink_tail() that updates list->tailpred; but it that is never used. Similar for list_unlink_head. Perhaps a simple test for tail or head in list_unlink() would be a solution.
Good catch on the g_mime_header_list_prepend() using list_append(). I'll commit a fix for this as soon as I send out this email.
Ok, thanks


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