Re: [gmime-devel] Using GMimeDecryptResult - certificate information?

On Tue 2016-07-12 18:11:55 +0200, Gaute Hope wrote:
I am trying to use GMime's GPG support. I can encrypt, decrypt and
verify fine - but when I try to use the GMimeDecryptResult certificates
to get a list of the recipients for the encrypted message, all fields
but the 'keyid' are 0x0. Are these here only for convenience or how do I
get them to load the rest of the key information?
That implies that GnuPG doesn't have a copy of the signer's certificate.
If you set $KEYID to the hex version of the keyid you discovered, and
then do:

  gpg --keyserver --recv 0x$KEYID

then retry GMime on the message in question, you should get much more
information about the key.



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