Re: [gnet] Using GNet callbacks with C++

Option 1:
Make member function static. Note it will only be able to access static members of the class.
Option 2:
struct SomeClass {
  int member;

  int typical_cplusplus_bloat_member_function() {
    return( member );

int some_class_typical_cplusplus_bloat_member_function( SomeClass *sc ) {
  return( sc->typical_cplusplus_bloat_member_function() );

Michael Alger wrote:
Is there any (clean) way of using GNet in a C++ application, where the
callback functions are wanting to be member functions of a class? I've
searched around for a C++ wrapper or any mention at all of how to do
this, but to no avail.

Would I be better off just looking for an alternative library, and if
so, any recommendations?  I mostly need Linux+Win32 support, and *BSD
would be a bonus.

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