[gnet] Re: GIOChannels, GNet, GOIO

The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to gmane.comp.gnome.gtk+.devel.general as well.

"James M. Cape" <jcape ignore-your tv> writes:

> Not to be too much of a party-pooper, but I've also worked a fair amount
> on a stream GObject. Slightly-out-of-date API docs are at
> http://esco.mine.nu/docs/gnome/gio/
This looks very similiar indeed. We should definitly unify the two

> The main difference between this and Goio is the (new, undocumented ATM)
> start/stop_read/write() methods.
Do you have the code lying somewhere?

> So far as GIOChannel interop, I'm of the opinion that any stream
> object should eventually supersede GIOChannel in GLib.

Andreas Rottmann         | Rotty ICQ      | 118634484 ICQ | a rottmann gmx at
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