building gnome-head problems

hi all,

first of all kudos for the vicious-build-scripts - getting the source through them was really a joy!
My problem is that the path of most of the libgn** libs gets, during the 
make process, resolved to /usr/lib/libgn**, but this is not what I want 
and I get some link errors as the compiler can't refrence all exported 
As I have tried to figure out where to control this (surely in the's but there everything looks fine to me;- - all lib paths 
are $prefix/lib where $prefix is /usr/local/gnome2 for me ), I wanted to 
ask the *source* of knownledge to helping me to track down this problem.
So my question is:
Which Makefile Variable redirects the gcc libpaths?
Or in another way: How can I change from /usr/lib/ to /usr/local/gnome/head/INSTALL/lib/ during build.
by the way: my environment is Redhat 7.1

thanks in advance.

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