Re: GnomeApp <-> BonoboWindow

Havoc Pennington wrote:

Jens Finke <jens triq net> writes:

is the GnomeApp class in libgnomeui deprecated? It seems to wrap some
bonobo-dock stuff, but doesn't work for me correctly (this is probably my
fault). The test code for libgnomeui uses BonoboWindow instead of
GnomeApp. So what is the _correct_ way for creating a main application
window in Gnome 2.0?

Either BonoboWindow or just GTK. (See gtk-demo, it has a main app
window example.)
GnomeApp should still work though. As for the GnomeDock just do 
s/GnomeDock/BonoboDock/g and the likes. It worked for the gnome-utils...

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