Re: [g-a-devel]Tooltips and accessibility

I think the description might not be enough in the case of magnification or some other application which wants to draw attention to the tooltip, since the description wouldn't give the tooltip's location. i understand Michael's discontentmet with showing a new GailToplvel when a tooltip is displayed. Do we have any other options between not giving any notification, and notifying the tooltip creation as a new GailToplevel?

At 08:55 AM 3/26/2002 +0000, Padraig O'Briain wrote:
Michael logged bug 76266 which complained that the window used to display
tooltips appears in the list of windows presented by at-poke.

I have made a chnaged to GAIL to prevent this happening but I am not sure that
this is the correct approach.

Should GAIL be reporting when a tooltip is displayed on the screen or is
atk_object_get_description() the only way we allow access to a tooltip? I know that there may be serious difficulties reporting when a tooltip is displayed as
it does not receive focus.


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