[g-a-devel]Re: [Fwd: Help for project work in Linux]


I strongly recommend looking at the gok function "gok_output_send_to_system" which is located in gok-output.c
Specifically you might be interested in SPI_generateKeyboardEvent which 
is documented here:

This is API that allows the use of the at-spi library which has been developed by the gnome accessibility folks with lots of help from Sun Microsystems (or is it the other way around?) It is a powerful library that is maturing well.
If you want to send keyboard events to other windows you will want to 
make sure that your window doesn't take focus... let me know if you need 
help with that.


Purushotham Yadav wrote:

*/David Bolter <david bolter utoronto ca>/* wrote:

    Dear Purushotham and Santosh,

    I would like to help you if I can. (Simon Bates forwarded your message
    to me). I'm not sure what the goal of your project is, but it would be
    great if you could improve the Indian language/s support with GOK.
    Perhaps you could help us make gok more useful to people wanting to use
    it for advanced language input methods.

    I am also copying Bill Haneman on this email as he and I are the
    maintainers for the GOK project.

    Please let us know more specifics of your project goals so that we can
    help you better.


    David Bolter
    Simon Bates wrote:
     > Subject:
     > Help for project work in Linux
     > From:
     > Purushotham Yadav
     > Date:
     >! ; Sun, 25 Apr 2004 03:41:45 -0700 (PDT)
     > To:
     > simon bates utoronto ca
     > From,
     > Purushotham. L and
     > Santosh Kumar. P.A,
     > Information-Science and Engineering,
     > Rashtreeya Vidyalaya College of Engineering,
     > Bangalore, India .
     > To,
     > Mr. Simon Bates,
     > Adaptive Technology Resource Centre.
     > Respected Sir,
     > Sub : /Help for a project on On-Screenkeyboard
     > simulation for
     > Red Hat Linux 9.0 ...
     > /We, Purushotham. L and Santosh Kumar P. A. are
     > students doing our graduation in Information-Science and
     > located in Bangalore,India.
     > _As a part of the college curriculum we have a mini-project to be
     > during this
     > semester.
     > _ We are inspired by the wonderful work of designing
     > an On-screen keyboard
     > for Fedora Core 1 by you and your team. Based on this topic we! have
     > chosen to do our
     > mini-project. _We are interested to learn the programming aspect
    of your
     > package.
     > _Our team has been working on 'Glade Interface designer' package to
     > achieve the same.
     > The package we are trying to do with your help is intended to
     > Indian language/s
     > on 'Red Hat Linux 9.0 and later versions.
     > *Thus, we request to help us on how to go about the
     > development.
     > Provide us with some programming techniques, hints and
    suggestions to be
     > followed regarding this. We kindly request if you and your team
     > provide details onhow to go about the work as soon as possible
    and oblige.
     > *
     > Thanking you,
     > *
     > Purushotham. L
     > >
     > Santosh Kumar P. A.
     > >*
     > *
     > *
     > Do you Yahoo!?
     > Yahoo! Photos: High-quality 4x6 digital prints for 25¢
     > > om/ph/print_splash>

Purushotham. L and
Santosh Kumar. P.A,
Information-Science and Engineering,
Rashtreeya Vidyalaya College of Engineering,
Bangalore, India .

Mr. David Bolter.

Respected Sir,
Many thanks for your immediate response. Details of our project is as undermentioned, We are working on the Red Hat 9.0 OS using GLADE Interface Designer for the project.
   We wish to develop the keyboard layout using the GLADE GUI builder.
Basic part of our project should print the characters given on the GUI button when the mouse clicks on it. The important thing is to simulate keyboard layout having English characters and the display should be on any current active window on the screen. Function keys,special characters,shift,control
etc. should also be operable.
  We have gone through basic operations, Widgets, gdk-keyboard handling,
gtk-Buttons, gtk-Clipboard in the help file.We have also a keyboard layout. Now, we mainly need to know how the 'keyboard-like signals' are to be sent from the GUI buttons to the kernel and back to current active window. The butt! ons when clicked on the GUI should perform operations same as
when keyboard is operated.
  If this basic prototype is achieved, we would like it to be enhanced for
Indian language/s.
And yeah! we are doing this as a mini-project as a part of the curricullum. This should be submitted as soon as possible,say in about 20-25 days. We are determined to this
completely and obviously not at all without your help.
  Please, do send this message who are also interested in the project work.
We will be very thankful althrough for your kind guidance.
Thanking you,
Sincerely yours,

Purushotham. L
Santhosh Kumar P. A.

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