Re: [g-a-devel] gnome-speech driver parameters

George Kraft wrote:

The GNOME_Speech_Speaker.idl is able to set _voice_ parameters for
volume, rate, breathiness, roughness, pitch fluctuation, pitch, head
size, and gender.

I would like to propose GNOME_Speech_SynthesisDriver to be able to set
_driver_ parameters for dictionary, input type, language dialect, number
mode, sample rate, synthesis mode, text mode, want word indicies, and
want phoneme indices.
Do you feel that it would be strongly advantageous to set these on the SynthesisDriver rather than the Voice? Some of your suggestions seem to me to belong very much to the Speaker, for instance dialect, number mode, and probably dictionary. Unless there is a compelling reason why these cannot or should not be applied to Speaker, I'd prefer to use the existing Speaker API for setting them.



For example,

sp = GNOME_Speech_SynthesisDriver_createSpeaker(...);
GNOME_Speech_SynthesisDriver_setParameterValue(sp, InputType, Annotate);
speaker_say_print(sp, "\V0Hello World\V1Que Pasa");

Enclosed is an example enhanced IDL:

*** GNOME_Speech_SynthesisDriver.idl.orig	2005-10-03 14:33:04.000000000 -0500
--- GNOME_Speech_SynthesisDriver.idl	2005-10-03 14:36:42.000000000 -0500
*** 46,51 ****
--- 46,59 ----
 		voice_gender gender;
+ struct Parameter {
+ 		string name;
+ 		double min;
+ 		double current;
+ 		double max;
+ 		boolean enumerated;
+ 	};
+ typedef sequence<VoiceInfo> VoiceInfoList; interface SynthesisDriver : Bonobo::Unknown {
*** 70,75 ****
--- 78,91 ----
 		/* Speaker creation */
Speaker createSpeaker (in VoiceInfo voice_spec); + + /* Driver parameter functions */ + + ParameterList getSupportedParameters ();
+ 		string getParameterValueDescription (in string name, in double value);
+ 		double getParameterValue (in string name);
+ 		boolean setParameterValue (in string name, in double value);
+ };

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