[g-a-devel] Blessing needed on recode1.patch


A couple of days ago I posted the (attached) patch for gnome-speech that
solves the problems with the Italian synthesis.

The patch follows the discussion we had in the list:
 - it asks the Festival voices what encoding they prefer as was
   suggested by Milan Zamaza[1]
 - it defaults to ISO-8859-1

I also tried to make the patch as unintrusive as possible: I choose to
maintain a static, private list of per-voice preferred encodings, so
that I didn't need to change any .h file, nor the gnome-speech IDL, to
store the encoding information.  While there can probably be better
ways, this one should add the functionality without breaking anything

What this patch could break is the Indian festival voices, which want
UTF-8 on input and probably don't report the coding in their
(voice.description).  I volunteer to prepare a patch for the Indian
festival voices to fix this, if someone tells me where they are.

Now, in order to carry on my work towards a speaking Italian Ubuntu
Dapper Gnome desktop, I'd like this patch to be accepted into

Once the patch has some official blessing, I can probably prod the Ubuntu
maintainers to release a gnome-speech update which would allow the
Italian desktop to speak on Dapper almost out of the box.



Enrico kneeling and patiently waiting for the spray of holy water.

[1] I'd love to post links to the list archives, but they seem not to be
GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico debian org>
--- festivalsynthesisdriver.c	2006-05-14 15:49:21.000000000 +0100
+++ festivalsynthesisdriver.c.buono	2006-06-29 17:23:25.000000000 +0100
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@
+#define DEFAULT_ENCODING "ISO-8859-1"
 static gint 		text_id   = 0;
 static GObjectClass 	*parent_class;
 static gboolean 	festival_server_exists = FALSE;
@@ -52,6 +54,7 @@
 static GSList		*driver_list = NULL;
 static GSList		*markers_list = NULL;
 static GSList		*voices_list = NULL;
+static GSList		*encodings_list = NULL;
 typedef struct
@@ -98,6 +101,37 @@
 static void 	festival_process_text_out 			(FestivalTextOut *text_out);
 static void 	festival_free_list 				(FestivalSynthesisDriver *d);
+static void encoding_set(GNOME_Speech_VoiceInfo* voice, gchar* encoding)
+	/* First, try to see if we have it already */
+	GSList* cur = encodings_list;
+	int len = strlen(voice->name);
+	for ( ; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next)
+		if (strncmp((gchar*)cur->data, voice->name, len) == 0)
+		{
+			/* If we have it, replace it */
+			g_free(cur->data);
+			cur->data = g_strdup_printf("%s:%s", voice->name, encoding);
+			return;
+		}
+	/* Otherwise, insert it */
+	encodings_list = g_slist_prepend (encodings_list, g_strdup_printf("%s:%s", voice->name, encoding));
+static gchar* encoding_get(FestivalSpeaker* speaker)
+	/* Look for the item in the list */
+	GSList* cur = encodings_list;
+	int len = strlen(speaker->voice);
+	/* Speaker should be at least "(voice_?)\n" */
+	if (len < 10)
+	for ( ; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next)
+		if (strncmp((gchar*)cur->data, speaker->voice + 7, len - 9) == 0)
+			return (gchar*)cur->data + len - 9 + 1;
+	/* If not found, default to latin1 */
 static FestivalTextMarker *
 festival_text_marker_new ()
@@ -329,12 +363,19 @@
 		p = strstr (voices[i], ")\n");
 		if (p != NULL)
 		    *p = 0; 
-		query_voice_des = g_strdup_printf ("(list 'VOICEDESC: "
-						   "(nth 0 (voice.description '%s)) "
-						   "(nth 1 (nth 0 (nth 1 (voice.description '%s)))) "
-						   "(nth 1 (nth 2 (nth 1 (voice.description '%s)))) "
-						   "(nth 1 (nth 1 (nth 1 (voice.description '%s)))))\n",
-						   voices[i], voices[i], voices[i], voices[i]);
+		/* Adds an extra nil to help tokenization later */
+		query_voice_des = g_strdup_printf (
+			"(list 'VOICEDESC: "
+			"(nth 0 (voice.description '%s)) "
+			"(cadr (assoc 'language (cadr (voice.description '%s)))) "
+			"(cadr (assoc 'dialect  (cadr (voice.description '%s)))) "
+			"(cadr (assoc 'gender   (cadr (voice.description '%s)))) "
+			"(or "
+			"  (cadr (assoc 'coding (cadr (voice.description '%s)))) "
+			"  \"" DEFAULT_ENCODING "\") "
+			"nil)\n",
+				voices[i], voices[i], voices[i], voices[i], voices[i]);
 		festival_synthesis_driver_say_raw (driver, query_voice_des);
 		g_free (query_voice_des);
@@ -349,7 +390,8 @@
 		voice[1] != NULL && strcmp (voice[1], "nil") && 
 		voice[2] != NULL && strcmp (voice[2], "nil") && 
 		voice[3] != NULL && strcmp (voice[3], "nil") && 
-		voice[4] != NULL && strcmp (voice[4], "nil"))
+		voice[4] != NULL && strcmp (voice[4], "nil") &&
+		voice[5] != NULL && strcmp (voice[5], "nil"))
 		GNOME_Speech_VoiceInfo *new_info;
 		new_info = GNOME_Speech_VoiceInfo__alloc ();
@@ -360,6 +402,7 @@
 		    new_info->gender = GNOME_Speech_gender_male;
 		voices_list = g_slist_append (voices_list, new_info);
+		encoding_set(new_info, voice[5]);
 	    if (voices_waiting_for_description == 0) 
@@ -932,6 +975,7 @@
 	    festival_synthesis_driver_say_raw (d, s->voice);
 	    speaker_refresh_parameters (SPEAKER(s));
 	    d->last_speaker = s;
+	    g_io_channel_set_encoding(d->channel_sock, encoding_get(d->last_speaker), NULL);
 	clb_list_free (d->crt_clbs);

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