Re: [g-a-devel] GnomeClient replacement?

On 7/25/06, Bill Haneman <Bill Haneman sun com> wrote:
Because of build issues I have not been able to test a11y with
gnome-session HEAD.

Are you telling me that a11y is regressed severely in HEAD, as it
No, I'd have to know whether it was in order to say so.  I just
finally caught up on part of my email and since Havoc was bringing up
a bug from a few months ago (and made it sound less safe than I
thought it was at that time), so I thought I'd comment.

GTK_MODULES alone will NOT work for the gnome desktop as a whole, since
libgail-gnome should be selectively included.

Elijah, why didn't you take this to the accessibility-devel-list?
accessibility was cc'ed on the bug (okay, a different alias but
probably close, right?), and my reading of the bug said that it should
be closable as soon as the blocking gtk+ bug was closed.  It was
closed, and had been for a long time.  So, I added a patch and waited
for about two weeks for comment, then just went and committed.  I
really didn't think it'd cause any adverse affects, at least not until
I read Havoc's email yesterday.  After that I wasn't so sure anymore.



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