[g-a-devel] mouse wheel scrolling speed


Apologies if this is posted to the wrong list, or if it's already been covered/is pending/is irrelevant (the list archive search page wasn't working when I checked).

Mouse wheel scroll speed currently varies (in my distro, Ubuntu Dapper AMD64) between one and three lines, depending on the application.  There doesn't seem to be any way to change it, although a very old (2003) forum post on gnomesupport.org suggests it's hard-coded into gtk.

For me, this is an accessibility issue - using the mouse wheel is the single most painful aspect of my rsi-stricken computing experience, and being able to set it to scroll a page per click would significantly improve day-to-day computer use.  Naturally, as this affects me, I think it's important.  In the grand scheme of Gnome Accessibilty (something that has come on leaps and bounds in the last few years), I'm not sure where it would rank.

yours, with stiff fingers,

-mat brown

[ http://moblog.co.uk/blog/mat ]

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