Re: [g-a-devel] Orca/Magnifier Issues

The obvious big difference between orca and gnopernicus (or gnome-mag in standalone mode) is that orca tells gnome-mag where and when to draw the cursor. That's a big change in logic from the other model.


Carlos Eduardo Rodrigues Diógenes wrote:
Hi Will,

I dropped the ubuntu-accessibility from the CC, since I think that this
is not of the interested of the subscribed users.

Em Ter, 2006-11-07 às 10:24 -0500, Willie Walker escreveu:
I also don't know what can be causing this, since gnome-mag update the
screen properly when controlled by Gnopernicus or when running
stand-alone, so it let me deduce that this behavior have something
related with Orca, but since I don't know Orca code, I can't say much
more about this and I don't know if I will be able to look closer at it
sooner.'s mystery to me.  I can't see how Orca is going out of its way
to cause this behavior.  :-(  Are there any docs anywhere on the
magnifier properties?  Orca might be misusing them somehow, such as not
setting them in the right order or setting one but not another.
The only documentation about gnome-mag is the one created in the
gnome-mag/docs folder. I look at my Ubuntu installed copy of gnome-mag
and it doesn't appear to install the docs, so I can't say to you if
these will be installed in your system, but if so, they must be
in /usr/share/doc/gnome-mag

Some strange think is happening, since, from what I know, there is no
call to gnome-mag that change how it listen DAMAGE events, so, by the
situation, it appear to be an orca bug, but it's difficult to think that
this is really an orca bug, so the mystery continues :-(

Best regards,



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