Re: [g-a-devel] Gnome accessibility projects list


Samuel Thibault <samuel thibault ens-lyon org> wrote:
Dorado Mart?nez, Francisco Javier, le Thu 26 Oct 2006 14:03:32 +0200, a ?crit :
In the users' needs another requirement I think should be to give support to braille embosers (braille printing support) into desktop
Actually, it should mostly find its way to cups, since that's _the_ Unix
printing service.  The idea would be to just have to call

lp foo.brf

or even

lp foo.txt
but what do we do with braille embossers that do more than just text? We do 
have a Tiger (, and this printer does graphics too (with 8 
dot levels). It has the ability to detect when special tiger fonts are used 
under Windows and then translates the font to braille. If you use, say, 
Arial, then it prints the graphical representations of the font, not the 
braille code.


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