Re: [g-a-devel] Differences in docs between ATK and AT-SPI


Thanks!  I took the liberty of creating a bug to track this request:

I put it against at-spi for now with no ATK sister bug.

Aaron Leventhal wrote:
I'm trying to learn about the difference between STATE_VISIBLE and STATE_SHOWING.
Up until now I've been reading ATK docs because that's what I'm using as 
an app developer. However if I do that in this case then I don't do the 
right thing for SHOWING and VISIBLE. It's clear only after reading the 
docs that AT developers use that something which is just scrolled off 
should be VISIBLE but not SHOWING.
I know it's busy work, but I suggest it will prevent mistakes if we can 
get the documentation in sync with itself.
ATK says:
ATK_STATE_SHOWING Indicates this object, the object's parent, the object's parent's parent, and so on, are all visible
ATK_STATE_VISIBLE   Indicates this object is visible

AT-SPI says:
STATE_SHOWING Indicates this object, the object's parent, the object's parent's parent, and so on, are all 'shown' to the end-user, i.e. subject to "exposure" if blocking or obscuring objects do not interpose between this object and the top of the window stack. STATE_VISIBLE Indicates this object is visible, e.g. has been explicitly marked for exposure to the user.
: STATE_VISIBLE is no guarantee that the object is actually unobscured on the screen, only that it is 'potentially' visible, barring obstruction, being scrolled or clipped out of the field of view, or having an ancestor container that has not yet made visible. A widget is potentially onscreen if it has both STATE_VISIBLE and STATE_SHOWING. The absence of STATE_VISIBLE and STATE_SHOWING is semantically equivalent to saying that an object is 'hidden'.
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