Re: [g-a-devel] firefox and thunderbird accessiblity

Cc'ing Ginn and Trevor.

On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 12:54 AM, Jonathan Nadeau
<jnadeau accessiblecomputingfoundation org> wrote:
> Hello list,
> I know this is the gnome accessibility list. i have a question about the
> accessibility of firefox and thunderbird.  under Gnome these are very
> accessible. But I've managed to get SFCE 4.10 to be very accessible and the
> two programs that are giving me trouble are firefox and thunderbird. When I
> open either one of these Orca stops working and can't read anything within
> these apps. But when I close them then Orca continues to work. The menu of
> XFCE is accessible and most of the apps within the menu are  accessible to
> Orca but I can't figure out what is stopping firefox and thunderbird from
> being accessible. Does anyone have any ideas? Any help would be much
> appreciated. I'm running xubuntu 12.10 and when I installed the Gnome
> desktop and logged into gnome firefox and thunderbird worked with Orca. Then
> I logged out and back into XFCE and both were inaccessible again. I think
> I'm missing something from starting up at boot but I'm not sure what it
> could be thanks for your time and help.
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