[g-a-devel] my atspi examples available


recently Joanmarie asked me if I had any atspi example written in javascript, and I started to search my disorganized folder of custom scripts, and I also found several examples most of them written in C (libatspi), and one in javascript (libatspi with gobject introspection).

Right now there aren't any similar thing on any official repository, so I cleaned them up and uploaded on a private github repository:

They are basic stuff like list the available accessible applications, dump the accessibility hierarchy of a given app and print out the current selected/focused accessible object on each state change.

The next immediate tasks would be have equivalent examples of the current C ones written in javascript and python examples (both using pyatspi2 and gobject introspection). Then we could think on adding more examples.

Although they need some more cleaning, I think that it would be worth to eventually move them to a gnome repository. Initially I was thinking on putting them directly at at-spi2-core repository, but that would prevent to add non-C examples without complicating too much the configure. So I think that if they become part of a gnome repository, it should be also independent of at-spi2 repository. Would be somewhat similar to gnome-shell and gnome-shell extensions. Opinions?


Alejandro Piñeiro (apinheiro igalia com)

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