Re: Yet more treeview musings

I'm a little puzzled by parts of this discussion.  The AtkObject
created for a tree view cell is renderer-type-dependant, and the
factory instance used to create it is keyed to the cell renderer's
GType.  So if someone adds a new renderer then they must add an
appropriate AtkObjectFactory for the cell objects - creating, in most
cases, subclasses of GailCell (GailTextCell is an example which we
will be implementing).  

The additional, context-widget-specific behavior is contained in the
Gail implementation for the containing widget (e.g. GailTreeView) and
exposed as a consistent interface which GailCell widgets communicate
for their content, edits (for mutable cells), and update

This was my understanding of the plan.


Bill Haneman
Gnome Accessibility / Batik SVG Toolkit
Sun Microsystems Ireland

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