Re: Accessible Name


The document may be incorrect-- we had several discussions about this, and I think we came to the conclusion that items, menu and list items, shouldn't have any children, but simply expose the text of their label as their name.

At 09:58 AM 5/23/2001 +0100, Padraig O'Briain wrote:
The ATK Widget implementation proposal at
contains proposal for Accessible Name.

For instance for GtkItem we have

If child widget is a label, the accessible name is considered to be the text of
this label. Otherwise, the GtkItem widget is considered nameless.

I would like to make sure we are as one on what this means.

What effect will atk_object_set_name() have for a GailItem?

Will it set the accessible name whoich then be returned by

Does the description above describe what will happen if atk_object_set_name()
has not been called?


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