Re: Problem when launching Gnopernicus


If you have the latest gnome-speech CVS sources, then that could be the 
problem. This gnome-speech version doesn't work with viavoice. It blockes all 
system. For more information you can read information for #98170 bugzilla 

To be sure about that try run gnome-speech tester program, and choose 
viavoive driver. If you get same results, then this is problem.

Now gnopernicus is designed to use viavoice driver. To get results try to 
uninstall viavoice, then recompile gnome-speech. Then festival driver will be 
used, but speech output will be get with very big latency.

Best regards,

On Wednesday 13 November 2002 02:14, you wrote:
> Hi all,
> Always me and my questions !
> This evening I finally heard "Welcome to gnopernicus" but after those words
> nothing else. when I press the arrow keys Gnopernicus doesn't speak. On my
> system I have both festival and viaVoice installed. can this be a problem ?
> when Gnopernicus launches both drivers are initialised successfully and I
> can see the two processes when typing "ps -e". Perhaps it causes conflicts
> ? How to do to have only one speech synthetiser launched ?
> If you think the problem isn't caused by the two synthetisers loaded at the
> same time I will send you the log file produced when I run metacity +
> gnopernicus + gnome-session because I noticed errors but can't correct
> these myself.
> Thanks in advance for your help !

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