Re: no ideas about festival

My silence is because when I was where you are now, I did
something crazy but it worked, and I do not know why. If you
would like to try it, help yourself.

What I did was a by-product of switching email addresses. I
opened a new user account on my Linux box and copied my .profile
containing the gnome/gnopernicus initialization lines, and my
.xinitrc file, from the old account to the new one. Just for
kicks, I then typed "startx" and the damn thing spoke to me!

I verified this by returning to the old account and deleting
everything I could find having to do with gnome except .profile
and .xinitrc, typed "startx" there too, and again I had speech.

So what I believe is that connecting with the festival driver was
somehow being inhibited as a result of earlier error filled
attempts, and beginning with a clean slate so to speak did the

Now - if you try that and it doesn['t work, don't complain to me
about it! <smile> It is totally superstitious and you know it is
bad luck to be superstitious.

On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Cheryl Homiak wrote:

> Should I take it from the silence out there in email land that nobody has any
> ideas as to how to track down why the driver for festival is failing?
> well, if anybody has any brainstorms in the middle of the night, drop me a note.
> Thanks.
> cheryl
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