Re: no speech out of gnopernicus except welcome

Well, it said the word panel,  possibly an improvement, but its
looking for libgale-gnome which seems not to be there.

I may try some other apps and see if it says anything.

But so far no luck, although I did hear restore window once, so it
looks like something is happening.

What I think I need to do is get the whole gnome environment from cvs
rather than trying to use the Debian gnome 2.2 environment -- what
would be the best way to do that?

on Monday 04/14/2003 Peter Korn(peter korn sun com) wrote
 > Hi John,
 > > Hi.  After getting cvs versions of gnopernicus, atk at-spi and of
 > > course the famous gtk-doc, I cannot get gnopernicus to say anything
 > > after the welcome message -- I can run gnome-panel, and nothing
 > > happens hotting tab, alt, arrow keys and I get nothing.  It always
 > > says welcome to gnopernicus, so its running and the message says
 > > speech initialization successful on the text console, but that's all
 > > I get.
 > > 
 > > Well, what do I do from here?
 > The accessibility machinery needs to be turned on for Gnopenricus to read
 > the contents of applications.  The attached script is nice to use to modify
 > the GConf setting to make this happen.  Re-start your gnome session after
 > you run this script.
 > Peter#!/bin/sh
 > if test $# -eq 0
 > 	then gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility
 > fi
 > if test $# -eq 1
 > 	then if test $1 = on -o $1 = true
 > 		then gconftool-2 -s /desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility \
 > 				 -t bool true
 > 	elif test $1 = off -o $1 = false
 > 		then gconftool-2 -s /desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility \
 > 				 -t bool false
 > 	else echo gnome-accessibility: unknown command $1
 > 	fi
 > fi

         John Covici
         covici ccs covici com

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