gnopernicus question

Hi all
I finally got x-windows and gnome too work and gnopernicus also runs.  so the next problems are:
1.  it doesn't know about my braille display.  This is needed since this computer has no sound.  Actually it does have a sound card but linux is having problems with it and it has no speakers hooked too it anyway so braille is the only option.  So how do I get braille too work?
2.  Brlapi tells me something like no authentication found or some such message.  Is this a problem and how do I solve it?
3.  When gnopernicus comes up it has the magnifier up and my wife has trouble finding any thing on teh screen that might help because it gets burried behind the magnifier.  is there a way too tell it not to use the magnifier?
FOr those who need this info it is gnome 2.4 and  I am not sure which version of gnopernicus as it was loaded with gnome.
Tom Masterson

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