Re: Questions and suggestions.


These are very good questions and suggestions. i have some regarding 
Braille output.

1. It should be possible to make the cursor blink. When an underline 
coursor is used, dots 7 and 8 are used to represent it. With a nonblinking 
coursor it can be difficult to tell whether these dots are part of a 

2. The text translation table for various locales should be completed. 
Right now there is a directory for them, but it is empty, or at least it 
was a few weeks ago.

3. A grade 2 translator is needed to speed up reading and get more on the 

 On Fri, 27 Jun 2003, Thomas D. Ward wrote:

> Hello. I've got some questions and some suggestions about gnopernicus which
> I would like to address here.
> The first area deals with some concerns I have about editing and reading
> documents in gedit and other editors.
> When using the standard curser keys when gnopernicus encounters an empty
> line it says nothing. However, if you use numpad in flat review mode
> gnopernicus will announce empty line when a empty line is encountered. It
> would be extremely helpful in editing documents when gnopernicus encounters
> an empty line weather someone is using the standard curser keys or flat
> review from the numpad to announce if an empty line is there or not rather
> than saying nothing.
> The second issue is reading large portions of a document. As it currently
> stands I've only been able to read a large document in gedit line by line.
> Is there a command, or plans to make a command which will read documents a
> full page at a time.  It would also be vary helpful to have a command that
> will read the entire document all the way to the end.
> The next concern I have is about navigating through table lists.
> When arrowing through a table list Gnopernicus says table line every single
> time I arrow up or down in the list before announcing what the item is that
> the curser is pointing at. This really slows me down, because I have to wait
> for gnopernicus to say table line file1.txt, table line file2.txt, table
> line file3.txt. I'd rather just be able to turn that message off so I can
> just here file1.txt, file2.txt, etc... If there is a way to turn the message
> off please let me know.
> Initially, I also found the table line message extremely confusing. Many
> new-comers to Gnome like myself would identify better with a message such as
> list item file1.txt rather than table line file1.txt.
> I've also got some ideas about flat review mode. I think flat review mode
> really needs some functionality added to it, and that it can be much more
> powerful than it is currently.
> At present when activating flat review mode in a dialog box or in a message
> in balsa all I can do is to use the 8 and the 2 key on the numpad to read
> line by line through the information on the screen.  It would be vary nice
> to be able to move word by word across the screen and character by
> character. Especially, when reading emails I have dificulty finding out the
> spelling of a word or read by character through a web address. Flat review
> mode could use some more work to make navigation more powerful.
> I'm having serious problems using the mouse keys in gnopernicus. I think
> allot of it has to do with the differences in how WindowEyes for MS Windows
> handles the mouse and how Gnopernicus does it. In WE the 1, 3, 7, and 9
> keays take you to the corners of the screen, and the 2, 4, 6, 8 keys move
> the mouse curser line by line or word by word across the screen. I've always
> been able to move focus to a toolbar with that screen reader using the
> mouse.
> However, Gnopernicus is just different, and I am vary confused how to scrole
> the mouse around the screen without jumping to parent or child window or
> from clip to clip. It's even harderonce you find a clip to figure out how to
> left or right click on that control. Can anyone explain how the mouse works
> in Gnopernicus? How to move the mouse to a control and click on it?
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